Chronicles from Platform 6
Sabrina Kaufmann is an illustrator from Luxembourg. Since her childhood, she has always loved drawing and writing, a passion that finally led her to become a freelance artist and teacher in the manga field. In love with fashion and aesthetic worlds, she focuses mainly on illustrating beautifully dressed ladies in enchanting settings. Since 2016, she has been constantly working on her free-to-read webcomic project Illustrated Fairytales, after Grimm’s and Andersen’s stories. Most importantly, she strives to create meaningful content that motivates and inspires, and loves sharing the behind-the-scenes of everyday freelance life on her social media.
Artistic Focus
Manga & Illustration focusing on femininity, fashion and fairytales
Contributions to LUX:plorations:
Math, Magic and Maryam
Chronicles from Platform 6
Why did you participate in LUX:plorations?
“It seemed like an amazing idea to illustrate science with comics! It makes it way easier for young people to understand in a funnier and more entertaining way.”
What did you like most about LUX:plorations?
“The fact that science, which seems difficult at first, can actually be simplified in an easier way that anyone can understand. I think the whole team did a great job on all the different stories :)”
What was the biggest challenge for you?
“Understanding the science part so that I could actually illustrate it correctly – if I would have failed to understand and illustrate it accurately, of course it would’ve been difficult for the readers to understand it, too. It was especially challenging with the Maryam Mirzakhani comic, where the concept seemed so difficult to grasp at first. The challenge here was really understanding some more difficult concepts, making them approachable and appealing to the general public.”

Prasad Adhav is focusing his research on simulations of fluid mechanics at the Department of Engineering (DoE) of the
Research Focus
Computational Fluid Mechanics (Simulations)
Luxembourg XDEM Research Centre, Department of Engineering (DoE)
University of Luxembourg
Contributions to LUX:plorations:
Chronicles from Platform 6

“I investigate travellers’ experience with the Luxembourgish train service.”
Research Focus
User Experience Research applied to railway sector
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Research Group,
Institute of Cognitive Science and Assessmen (COSA)
University of Luxembourg
Contributions to LUX:plorations:
Chronicles from Platform 6
Why did you participate in LUX:plorations?
“I wanted to find a way to communicate my research topic in a simple and playful way. And I thought that the science comic support could be a wonderful tool for that.”
What did you like most about LUX:plorations?
“The result of all these months spent to work on it! All the science comics we designed look really professional and artistic from my perspective.”
What was the biggest challenge for you?
“Simplifying my research field to facilitate the understanding but without losing the scientific aim of my approach.”

“My research is majorly about using AI technologies to understand unusual patterns in textual communications; to show the benefits of AI approach to such task, and to investigate law enforcements and legal experts suspicion about the efficiency of AI in Digital Forensics, while proposing a new framework that addresses the challenges.”
Research Focus
Digital Evidence Extraction from Text
Alma Mater Research Institute on Human Centered Artificial Intelligence (AlmaAI), University of Bologna, Italy
Co-Tutelle with Computer Science and Communications Research Unit, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT)
University of Luxembourg
Contributions to LUX:plorations:
Chronicles from Platform 6
Why did you participate in LUX:plorations?
“I participated because I see the idea of science comics as one that can bridge the knowledge gap between researchers and the outside world; especially, the young ones. Obviously, it is a way to communicate complex ideas in a simple way, understandable by many.”
What did you like most about LUX:plorations?
“Obviously, the opportunity to work with researchers from other fields, to learn to organize our thoughts, and to structure it in a simple, precise, yet very understandable way.”
What was the biggest challenge for you?
“I find it difficult sometimes to explain my research work in a less complex manner to non-experts. But then, with science comics, I have learnt a whole lot about simple ideation of the concept of my work.”
Jessica Burton is a researcher at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), working on the relationship between European comic transfers in the 1960s within the Popkult60 project. She specialises in comics studies and has previously worked as a comic editor for Titan Comics, on titles such as Doctor Who, before embarking on her PhD. She is a mentor for LUX:plorations, and teaches classes on comics history at the
Research Focus
Comics, History, Cross-cultural Transfers, Popular Culture
Contributions to LUX:plorations:
Becoming an Agent of Change
Chronicles from Platform 6
Inside the Solar Cell
Microglia: Guardians of the Brain?
Why did you participate in LUX:plorations?
“I truly believe in the power of comics to inform and educate, so jumped at the chance to help fellow doctoral candidates learn how to tell their research through comics form.”
What did you like most about LUX:plorations?
“Watching the doctoral candidates work on their ideas and seeing them engage with the artists for an amazing end product.”
What was the biggest challenge for you?
“Finding the balance between suggesting ideas and allowing participants maximum creativity.”
Oliver Glassl is an educational management professional with long-term experience in academic teaching and curriculum development. His education includes degrees in speech and language therapy and business administration. His research in the field of neurorehabilitation has given rise to various publications. Currently working for the Doctoral School in Science and Engineering (DSSE) at the University of Luxembourg, he is a member of the DESCOM team.
Work Focus
Educational Management
Contributions to LUX:plorations:
Microglia: Guardians of the Brain?
Chronicles from Platform 6
Why did you participate in LUX:plorations?
“The world gets increasingly complex, also driven by science and research. It is therefore the responsibility of any research institution to make scientific knowledge available for lay audiences in an understandable way.”
What did you like most about LUX:plorations?
“I very much appreciated collaborating simultaneously with scientists and artists. Even though these fields might appear to be rather different on the first glimpse, they converge when it comes to the importance of creativity. Being part of this was a very inspiring experience.”
What was the biggest challenge for you?
“Waiting for the arrival of the boxes with the finished comics.”