For Teachers
Several hands-on science workshops and activities related to the topics of the LUX:plorations comics have been developed over the course of the project. In this section you can find scripts, guidelines, presentation slides and other resources to help you carry out those science activities yourself. You can use them for free.
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ADHD – Why so distracted?
Put yourself in the shoes of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to better understand their daily challenges. The workshop starts with a short interactive introduction to the topic (What is ADHD? How does it manifest? What is happening inside the brain?) including three questions designed to stimulate discussions. Afterwards two tests will simulate two conditions common for individuals affected by ADHD: overstimulation and hyperfocus.
Artist: Nadine Scholtes

Version française
(travaux en cours)

Brain cells
Understand the different types of brain cells via a role-playing game (guideline is WIP). The cards below describe key features of four different kinds of brain cells: neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and microglia.
Author: Daniela Maria Vega Gutierrez
Artist: Andy Genen