
Give us your feedback!

What do you think about the comics?
What did you like most?
Which scientific topics are most interesting to you?
What do you want to know about science and research in Luxembourg?

Those questions are asked in our short survey.

We will use your feedback to make future volumes even better and try to answer your questions about science and research in Luxembourg.

Everyone who participates can receive a free sticker of Schrödinger’s cat.
Just drop your name and address in thr form that appears at the end of the survey.

You can also use the contact form below to give us feedback:

    You can also reach out to us via:

    Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM)
    Maison du Savoir
    2, place de l’Université
    L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

    Disclaimer: All comics on this website are a work of fiction and do not reflect the opinion of or any other organisation or of any character appearing in this publication. All events and characters in the comics – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional.